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Funny vid
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 | 11:10 AM | Top

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 | 11:40 AM | Top

I’m tired, very. Quit the job at singlong and started to work in guardian the next day. Got approximately $240 as pay for working 6 days there lol…Anyway, working in guardian might seems less tedious compared to singlong, but I’m much more stress up lol. I have to do many calculation, so I will be doing the job of cashier, accountant and sales assistant in 1 go. PHEW.i’m trying to master all the knowledge required so I will not get scolded by the manager lol. Friendly workmates, friendly manager, hope I can strive there :D.

Physically tired isn’t really much compared to mentally tired, hope I wouldn’t get stressed up! I promise I will try my very best to memories all the steps!

Working in woodland mart 768 guardian anyway!

Sunday, January 17, 2010 | 1:16 PM | Top

Fuck my life. Everything i looked into the mirror, i just want to scold the word "fuck" at my hair. Fuck. Am i destiny to stay put with this kind of fucking hair, or do i have a slim chance of having a hair makeover?

A person appearance

Saturday, January 16, 2010 | 7:44 PM | Top

Woke up at 6:05am. This isn’t any Saturday morning; it’s the first day I will be working in 新龙 suppling company. Still half unconscious, I unwilling drag my leg to the toilet. Brushed my teeth, washed up, I went to eat my breakfast made by my mum. Many questions are still fresh in my mind, but prefer not to post it. After I ate my breakfast, I bathed and make my way to the nearby bus-stop. I was late, again. Sorry Yu Hui for being late again, apologising again too. I took a quick glance at my hand phone, just to remind myself about the time. Soon bus 913 arrived, and I aboard the bus. The journey seems longer than normal, maybe I’m haunted by my guilt towards fishy? Anyway, I reached causeway point at around 7:20am. I lost my way in the bus interchange, but manage to find the bus-top with the bus 856 number imprinted on the overhanging “thing” loll. We waited for a good 15 minute before the bus came. Along the journey I was quite quiet, since I’m quite tense and of course looking forward to meeting new friends. Reached there at approximately 7:50am, 10 minute earlier: D!

Life was going to be different, I thought to myself, and it was true. Firstly, we went to the boss office to “report in”. The boss isn’t in?! We went to the office “meeting room” and waited. We waited for a good 1 hour before we were being transfer to the packing room. Secondly, the toilet seems like some isolated creepy toilet, even fishy said so. The toilet flushing handle isn’t normal too, seriously! Thirdly, the packing room has a weird smell. Yu Hui doesn’t smell it, but it is definitely different from the air in the open! We were then tasked to do some sort of “tie-knot” thing on a square container. Had some fun and crapping with fishy, and of course some good competition hehe! I can roughly gauge that we had done like 700-800 together today, tough day isn’t it! Worked from 8am to 5pm, with 30 minute lunch break! We only need to pay $2.30 for our lunch, cheap!!! Decent food, friendly work mates, but fucking salary. We can only collect our salary at end of month, and it’s only $3.80 per hour. After some smart math calculation, we estimated that we can earn approximately $930 before New Year! I’m going buy the things I want, do something with my hair, pay back mum $70 and give the rest to parent!

Everyone must have a positive mindset. You can think that you had lost to other people, but you cannot think that you lose to yourself, never!

O's level results.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 | 11:39 AM | Top

  • English Language B3 Eng
  • Combine humanities B3 Eng
  • Mathematics A2 Eng
  • Additional Mathmatics A2 Eng
  • Science(physics/chemistry) B3 Eng
  • Principles of accounts C6 Eng
  • Chinese B3 Chinese
  • Chinese(Oral/aural) Merit Chinese



I'm glad i didn't disappoint my parents and made them proud of me instead :D

Monday, January 11, 2010 | 11:31 AM | Top

Alright everyone, it had been several centuries since I last posted. Didn’t have any mood to post, that’s the main reason why I fail to write anything whenever I enter the new post section… So basically today is the day which many people are anticipating for; O’s level result. Some people know they will not do well, some have doubt about their capabilities, while others are very confident of themselves. Which section am I in? I’m not sure either :D! I remembered in the past, when I always say I will fail, I will pass. But this time I can’t say that now, since I am no longer in primary school, I’m a graduating secondary student!

Life of a secondary student sure is tedious, sometimes I wish i don’t need to study, But reality go against me and my dream. I can’t blame reality, since everyone had to pay a price to become “filthy” rich, or at least rich. Today, I sat down in front of my computer screen and think about the past; K1,K2,PRI 1-6,SEC1-4. It’s not an easy journey, trust me it’s not. But I still persevere and made it to the final battle; The O’s level examination. Of course they are not bad memories, at least there are still some good memories. So those who are graduating, ask yourself this question: Did you try your best in doing the exam? If yes, you should be confident and walk into the hall and receive your result! If no, you should ask yourself this question: Do you want to do badly for ur examination and waste your 12 years away? Please don’t ever give up on yourself! If you need a listening ear, I will always be there for you. Just remember this: Failure doesn’t mean no hope, while success doesn’t mean a smooth journey ahead of you!

Life will always be full of obstacles, all you need to do is to work hard and moving through the obstacles.